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Music Trail

Music Trail

Texas Historical Commission Authority

The 85th Texas Legislature passed the MAMHTexas© Plan**, which will transition the State’s music history community into the State’s music heritage tourism industry via the Texas Music History Trail® (Heritage Trail Program). This Heritage Trails initiative creates new milestones for local communities, while establishing a new cornerstone for heritage tourism programming the millennial generations will enjoy for centuries to come.

The Texas music history community is a wealth of assets indigenous to the State of Texas. There are established museums, archives, libraries and dance halls; thousands of public and private collections with exquisite artifacts; and hundreds of families that have proliferated development of a music heritage tourism industry for more than a century. The privately held collections alone rival the asset base of the Library of Congress

The Museum of American Music History/Texas Music Hall of Fame® (MAMHTexas©) has sponsored a contingency of these music interests to direct development of music heritage tourism since the 78th Legislature (2003). After 15 years of legislative hearings and agency collaborations, the Texas Legislature recently adopted the MAMHTexas© Plan sanctioning music history entities to administer a State program for music heritage tourism. The MAMHTexas© Plan sanctions Texas Music History©.

Texas Music History© is not a casual phrase or a mere description, although the brand has been marketed so well, it seems that way. Texas Music History© is a declaration, an honorarium, an esteemed title, slogan and published copyright for those who have achieved subject matter status within the academia called “the history of Texas music”. You’d have to have attained predominance in the field of music to qualify as a patron exalted to “Texas Music History©” status!

The music heritage tourism industry has been self-sufficient for more than 50 years. Texas Music History© stakeholders exist, and cannot be indiscriminately rediscovered, designated or represented through wanton political wrangling. Like Texas music, this emerging industry flourishes through self determined success and warrants respected industry autonomy.

The MAMHTexas© Plan was exquisitely detailed as a legislative directive in SB1951 by Senator Juan Hinojosa (84th Legislature), and later designated a Commemorative Bill in HB2079 (Hunter).


Read the entirety of SB1951/HB2079 84th/85th Texas State Legislatures

**The Texas Historical Commission (THC) abrogated any legislative authority “to develop a Texas Music History Trail program [or] to promote and preserve Texas music history” by rejecting the entirety of SB1951/HB2079 in its current 10 year, Texas Statewide Historic Preservation Plan (see the 2022-2032 Edition; we’re not there). Texas Music Hall of Fame® Commission members filed a formal protest. Through its own omissions, THC has no authority, nor a budget for music history programs! 

Comprehensive Disclaimer: The Texas Music History Trail map above has been published and updated by MAMHTexas since 2002 as a pictorial rendering of potential subjects for the Heritage Tails Program identified as HB2079. However, it is not intended to demonstrate all of the potential subject matter to be considered, identified or sanctioned for inclusion in a State wide program. Those determinations are the logistics to be considered and organized by the Texas music history community (void of any Texas Music Office input). In addition, any titles, names or other references to persons, organizations, locations and events, in the map, and/or any other areas of this web site, are for informational purposes only as educational content. Nothing in this site shall be construed to convey any rights to such information (by TMLRC) or any other relationships between any of the parties.